FAS - Ferrero Ardennes Sa
FAS stands for Ferrero Ardennes Sa
Here you will find, what does FAS stand for in Food under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Ferrero Ardennes Sa? Ferrero Ardennes Sa can be abbreviated as FAS What does FAS stand for? FAS stands for Ferrero Ardennes Sa. What does Ferrero Ardennes Sa mean?The Belgium based company is located in Arlon, Luxembourg engaged in food production industry.
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Alternative definitions of FAS
- Fuerza(s) Armada(s)
- Field Of Anthropological Study
- Persian (Farsi)
- Fatty Acid Synthase
- Foreign Agricultural Service
- Free Alongside Ship
- Faculty Of Arts And Sciences
- Field Assistance And Support
View 141 other definitions of FAS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FL Furniture for Life
- FGF Finnish Gymnastics Federation
- FSI Fathom Systems Inc.
- FAF Film Arts Foundation
- FFNZL Freedom Furniture New Zealand Limited
- FMS Frozen Mountain Software
- FCT Flying Carpet Tours
- FNBL First Natural Brands Ltd
- FC The Footbridge Companies
- FTA Fashion Technology Accelerator
- FFM Focus Facilities Management
- FEG Federal Express Ground
- FPSS Family Preservation and Strengthening Services
- FSW Fridge Spares Wholesale
- FCC Federal Correctional Complex
- FCG Forte Capital Group
- FDEF Fashion Designers Expo Florida
- FML Focus Multimedia Limited
- FMI Five Minutes Inc.